Saturday, July 4, 2015

'16 Beth Hawkins set for a solid July #UnderTheRadar

Beth Hawkins simply does little things that captures the attention of those who actually know what they're looking at. She's already standing a shade above the magic number of six feet, her wing span adds another two inches and this in itself enables her to alter shots on the inside or deflect passes in the passing lane. She has solid skills on the court while  Ivy league like resume off the court so she's academically solid as well but the thing that I've watched her do over the course of her career with the Houston Insiders is add to her game

When you have someone this size that can step out and shoot the three ball, that's a huge plus but Hawkins has several pluses that keep her on the positive side and she will start her July off at the Supper 64 and then pt 2 of Big State Flava before heading to New Orleans for Basketball On The Bayou, the hottest ticket in town