Saturday, August 9, 2014

Great Scott and don't miss the Ferry close out #AutoAwesome #GirlsGotGame

Okay just so we're straight, today was AUTO AWESOME day which means I'm putting up those photos that Google+ chose to make movin pitchas, live and in living color. By no means is this the end of my GGG coverage, I'll have a Tip Sheet on the players who made the trip from out of town and another from the ones that stay here

Elizabeth Scott is almost always a #TipSheetLock because when I give you a nickname, that seals it, plus Great is quicker to type. I also had to give Amanda Ferry one "don't miss the" because she's simply one you don't wanna miss either

That's coming up soon, be patient and always remember I'm very accessible and the smart thing to do is always contact me directly, I don't work through a middleman and I will always be honest and tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

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