Monday, May 6, 2013

Landrum and Morris make immediate impact for T-Jack

Landrum and Morris

It's always refreshing to know that I'm right about something but it's even better when someone as knowledgeable as Bob Corwin gives me a thumbs up. Bob was one of only a handful of high profile writers and evaluators who showed me the common courtesy to respond back to my emails when I was questioning how the system worked as far as rankings, exposure, etc, this was back when my daughter was still in middle school.

Over the years we've had many conversations on the talented players across the country and especially those in Texas and Bob was on hand to cover the DFW Elite Top 16 event this past weekend. We spoke briefly on Saturday night and he gave a huge thumbs up to several players in attendance including many from Texas. His story will be coming on soon.

Among the players mentioned were a couple that moved up to DFW Elite T-Jack this past weekend, '16 Calveion Landrum and '17 Alexis Morris, both by the way have been tip "sheeted" by yours truly, yes that's a new word