Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Harris Keeps Proving Me Right

The first time I saw Angela Harris I was amazed for a  number of reasons, she playing against high school players and she was in the sixth grade and if I say she was holding her own, that would putting it mildly. After her performance, she was recognized as one of my "Rising Stars" in the tournament. Over the past two seasons I have watched her continue to grow and as I was observing her during the Houston Insiders Basketball Classic during pregame, she had a clipboard breaking some stuff down with her teammates which simply blew me away. I'm  not the only one being blown away as she excites the crowd and is a highlight waiting to happen. She is also one of several stars in the making with HK Express-Winn and I expect her to be an impact player right away in high school. Harris, along with Faith Cook are still at the top of the list for 2016 and from what I've seen, this class will be a monster