Saturday, October 5, 2013

GPR ready to roll in Midland but first

First of all ask yourself what site can you go to and find as much credible information regarding Texas GBB. I'll help you with a quote Bum Phillips made about Earl Campbell "he's not in a class by himself , but it doesn't take long to call roll"

I operate everything myself, I have no staff, other than me and many of these kids only pop up when they're Googled because of me. I receive almost 1000 hits per day just doing regular stuff and this past July I had my first over 5000 hit day covering Big State Flava Jam

I receive a lot of requests from coaches and parents to look at videos however I usually respond back a variety of ways but unless you're a client that 'm helping, I don't have three hours set aside just to watch videos, well that's not true since I got Netflix but anyway, not trying to be rude, just trying to keep it real