Tuesday, June 7, 2016

2016 Prime Time Summer Hoops Tour

You'll see me #sizedontmatter quite a bit to acknowledge players who don't let their height stop them from showing that they belong and at times I might flip the hashtag because size actually does matter, well providing you can play and this applies to basketball. Hannah Matthews is 6'2 and hasn't played her first high school game yet so the 2020 players lets me used my overused saying of  "you don't need 20/20 to see this class will be special"

Matthews and her 360 Elite teammate '21 Lauren Szot are among a variety of young stars I caught at Prime Time's Summer Hoops Tour this past Sunday and guess what, I'll be back again this weekend so you can REGISTER HERE

Alyssa Williams (Cajun Express) shoulder injury didn't slow her down and she joins the above named players and quite a few others on this episode of The Tip Sheet and you can read it by clicking the link below