Don't see that happening on this team, these young ladies definitely work and I don't care if it was the group with Zayna Assaleh, Natalie Laidley, Lauren Masquat, Lyndsey Robinson and Kamdyn Vandorn or if it was a mixture of Tatum Griffin, Riah Smith, Taylor Spencer or Kinzey Stephenson, every time I checked, it was the same heat being applied
Girlz Prep Report Scouting Serrvice
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Oklahoma Swarm Pride 2019 #BattleAtTheHive
Don't see that happening on this team, these young ladies definitely work and I don't care if it was the group with Zayna Assaleh, Natalie Laidley, Lauren Masquat, Lyndsey Robinson and Kamdyn Vandorn or if it was a mixture of Tatum Griffin, Riah Smith, Taylor Spencer or Kinzey Stephenson, every time I checked, it was the same heat being applied