
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Coming up, winners Wednesday

Don't be sad, there's plenty more coming from the Prime Time Qualifier and I'm sorry I missed seeing many of the younger players including Ashari Morris and that very talented DFW Elite 2019 team but I have before, I know you can play and I'll see you soon
Some of you I've yet to see, here's the good news, you have time and that's all I have but it will get done.

Here's the main thing, when I do come, don't hide, don't be shy, just bring it and although Djimani Jackson might seem shy, she definitely isn't, on or off the court as she brought heat throughout the tournament for GTE Gold!

Okay that's better as Jackson poses with bombs away Saturday queen Downtown Victoria Brown who put on a three point exhibition show with multiple GTE teams, remember GTE Mobilenet?